Leonard Kaban, M.D., D.M.D.

Post Chief (NonCI)
MPO Emeritus Chairs, Massachusetts General Hospital
Honorary Surgeon
Oral & Max. Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital
Walter C. Guralnick Distinguished Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
HSDM, Harvard Medical School
DMD Harvard School of Dental Medicine 1969
MD Harvard Medical School 1973
acquired facial deformities; cephalometry; computer-aided surgical planning; congential facial deformities; facial asymmetry; jaw neoplasms; mandible; mandibular advancement; mandibular condyle; maxilla; oral surgical procedures; osteogenesis distraction; pharynx; temporomandibular joint disorders; tissue engineering Dr. Kaban founded the Skeletal Biology Research Center (SBRC) in 1994, in order to promote reduced surgical morbidity and better clinical outcomes for patients with traumatic injury, congenital and acquired anomalies, and diseases of the face and jaw.  Working in partnership with academia and industry, the SBRC has contributed important advances to the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery, including refinement of minimally invasive surgical techniques for OMS, engineering of a distraction device for curvilinear movement along the face and jaws, tissue engineering, and computerized three-dimensional treatment planning.