Santiago Lozano-Calderon, M.D., Ph.D.

Clinicn Investigator, Assc Prf
Orthopaedic Surgery, Mass General Research Institute
Associate Professor of Orthopedic Surgery
Harvard Medical School
Assistant In Orthopaedic Surgery
Orthopedic Surgery-Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital
PhD 2008
MD Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Medical School 2001
bone sarcomas; cancer outcomes; metastic bone disease; orthopaedic oncology; orthopedics; reconstructive surgery Dr. Lozano has a strong interest in clinical research in orthopaedic oncology. His academic practice involves multiple clinical studies evaluating particular neoplastic problems of osseous and connective tissue nature. His focus of research includes clinical outcomes after reconstructive oncologic surgery in the upper and lower extremities, oncologic problems in the upper extremity and functional outcomes after surgical treatment in patients with primary sarcomas of bone and soft-tissue, as well as metastatic bone disease.
Publications Clinical Profile

Yawkey Center Outpatient Care
32 Fruit Street
Boston, MA 02114