Nancy J Keuthen, Ph.D.

Non-MD Cln Inves, Asso Prf (M)
Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital
Associate Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry
Harvard Medical School
Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital
PhD Stony Brook University School of Medicine 1984
cognitive therapy; habits; obsessive-compulsive disorder; self-injurious behavior; skin; stereotypic movement disorder; trichotillomania Dr. Keuthen has maintained broad research interests in the field of OCD and OC spectrum disorders including trichotillomania, pathological skin picking and body dysmorphic disorder. She has conducted psychosocial and pharmacological treatment outcomes research, documented longitudinal disorder course, explored brain structure and function, developed numerous assessment instruments, and currently is conducting genetics and family studies in this field. She has been the recipient of foundation and benefactor funding for her research.
Publications Clinical Profile

Wang Ambulatory Care Cntr
15 Parkman Street
Boston, MA 02114