Brian Edlow, M.D.

Assistant Neurologist
Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital
Clinicn Investigator, Assc Prf
Neurology, Mass General Research Institute
Associate Professor of Neurology
Harvard Medical School
Chen Institute MGH Research Scholar 2023-2028
Mass General Research Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital
MD University of Pennsylvania 2007
arousal; brain injuries; brain injury chronic; brain stem; cerebrovascular circulation; coma; coma post-head injury; consciousness; consciousness disorders; corpus callosum; diffuse axonal injury; diffusion tensor imaging; neurocritical care; postural balance; steroids; subarachnoid hemorrhage; traumatic brain injury

Investigating Traumatic Brain Injury

Our mission at the Laboratory for NeuroImaging of Coma and Consciousness (NICC) at Massachusetts General Hospital is to determine how patients recover consciousness after a severe traumatic brain injury and to promote the recovery process.

We use advanced structural and functional imaging techniques to identify brain networks whose connectivity and activation is critical to the restoration of consciousness.

We believe the identification of these brain networks will allow clinicians to provide patient families with more accurate prognoses and will ultimately enable the development of personalized treatments aimed at promoting recovery.

While the NICC’s mission is to improve outcomes for civilians and military personnel with traumatic brain injury, we also partner with other labs to study recovery of consciousness in patients with coma caused by cardiac arrest, hemorrhage and stroke.

Research website Publications Clinical Profile

Wang Ambulatory Care Cntr
15 Parkman Street
Boston, MA 02114