Leonardo V Riella, M.D., Ph.D.

Clinicn Investigator, Assc Prf
Nephrology - Renal Assoc, Mass General Research Institute
Harold and Ellen Danser Associate Professor of Surgery; Associate Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Associate Physician
Nephrology, Massachusetts General Hospital
PhD Federal University of Sao Paulo 2011
MD Federal University of Parana 2004
immune tolerance; kidney transplantation; regulatory t cells; xenotransplantation

Dr. Riella’s research is focused on understanding the mechanisms of immune regulation and on developing novel therapies to promote immune tolerance. His lab is also tackling the organ transplant shortage head-on by pioneering two extraordinary paths: bioengineering kidneys from human stem cells and turning to gene-modified pigs as potential kidney donors. These innovative approaches could drastically increase the availability of organs and transform the transplant landscape.

Riella's Lab Website Publications Clinical Profile

149 13th Street
5th floor, Room 5101
Charlestown, MA 02129