Ryan Sullivan, M.D.

Clinician Investigator, Associate Professor
Cancer Center, Mass General Research Institute
Associate Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
braf; dabrafenib; giant lymph node hyperplasia; herpesviridae infections; herpesvirus 8 human; lymphoma primary effusion; melanoma; molecular targeted therapy; navitoclax; proto-oncogene proteins b-raf; sarcoma kaposi; skin neoplasms; trametinib; vemurafenib

Ryan Sullivan is a clinical and translational investigator whose main areas of interest are the development of novel molecular therapeutic agents for malignant melanoma, the translation of promising preclinical findings into early stage clinical trials, and the development of predictive biomarkers for these investigational as well as standard treatment approaches.

Publications Clinical Profile

Yawkey Center Outpatient Care
32 Fruit Street
Boston, MA 02114