Martin Reuter, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Radiology
Harvard Medical School
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Harvard Medical School
Investigator, Asst Prof Ext Fd
Radiology, Mass General Research Institute
advanced machine learning; artificial intelligence; brain mri images; computational methods; computer-assisted diagnosis; convolutional neural network; deep learning; dementia; freesurfer; huntington's disease; longitudinal analysis; neuroimaging

Dr. Reuter is Assistant Professor of Radiology and Assistant Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School and the Massachusetts General Hospital (Assistant in Neuroscience, Dept. of Radiology and Dept. of Neurology). He is affiliated to the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging. Dr. Reuter's recent research focuses on the development of deep learning and machine learning approaches in medical imaging for automated image analysis and quantitative feature extraction. The methods are primarily targeted at brain MRI for computer-aided diagnosis and prognosis of dementia and are widely employed as part of the FreeSurfer and FastSurfer software packages to study neurodegeneration and assess disease-modifying therapies, e.g. by the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, the Rhineland Study and other large cohort studies. 

During his postdoctoral research at MIT (2006-08), supported by a Feodor-Lynen fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, he contributed novel methods for non-rigid shape analysis and processing, and received the most cited paper award 2009 of the Computer-Aided Design journal for his manuscript on spectral shape analysis. In 2006, he has been awarded the Leibniz prize for outstanding scientific accomplishments by the University Hanover, Germany, where he obtained his Ph.D. in the area of computational and differential geometry from the department of electrical engineering and computer science with summa cum laude in 2005. He obtained a 'Diplom' (M.Sc.) in mathematics with a second major in computer science and a minor in business informatics from the Leibniz University of Hanover in 2001. 

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