Joseph Giacino, Ph.D.
Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Harvard Medical School |
Non-MD Cln Inves, Full Prf (M) Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Massachusetts General Hospital |
Research Staff Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Massachusetts General Hospital |
Psychologist Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital |
PhD Hofstra University 1986 |
Research Interests
Research Narrative
Dr. Giacino is the Director of Rehabilitation Neuropsychology and Research Associate in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital (SRH), Consulting Neuropsychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital, Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabiilitation at Harvard Medical School (HMS) and Adjunct Professor at the MGH Institute of Health Professions.He is also on the faculty of the Center for Bioethics at HMS where he teaches Introduction to Neuroethics and serves as a Capstone Seminar mentor for students enrolled in the Master’s program. He directs the SRH Neurorehabilitation Laboratory which seeks to develop more precise neurodiagnostic procedures, clinical outcome assessment measures and treatment interventions for persons with severe acquired brain injury and disorders of consciousness (DoC). He is the Project Director of the Spaulding-Harvard Traumatic Brain Injury Model System (NIDILRR, 2012-2022) and co-leads the Outcomes Core of the “Transforming Research and Clinical Knowledge in TBI” (NINDS, 2013-2018) and “TBI Endpoint Development (DoD, 2014-2019) projects, which aim to validate clinical, imaging, and genomic biomarkers to improve TBI diagnosis, prognosis and treatment. He also serves as Co-PI on a pilot clinical trial assessing, “Central Thalamic Stimulation for Traumatic Brain Injury” (NINDS, 2015-2020) and recently completed a DoD-funded project that developed an Evidence-Based Clinical Outcome Assessment Platform (“EB-COP”) for systematic evaluation of TBI outcome measures. He led the expert panels that established the diagnostic criteria for the minimally conscious state and developed the 2018 Practice Guideline on Disorders of Consciousness, co-sponsored by the American Academy of Neurology, American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and National Institute on Disability Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research. Dr. Giacino maintains a broad array of national and international collaborations aimed at improving care for patients with severe TBI. |
(617) 952-6310 |
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 300 1st Ave Charlestown, MA 02129 |