H. Shaw Warren, M.D.

Clinicn Investigator, Assc Prf
Pediatrics, Mass General Research Institute
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Harvard Medical School
Distinguished Physician
Infectious Disease, Massachusetts General Hospital
Pediatrics-Pediatric Infectious Disease, Massachusetts General Hospital
MD Harvard Medical School 1978
bacterial pathogenesis; heme; hemoglobins; inflammation; sepsis The Warren Laboratory is interested in the pathogenesis and treatment of serious bacterial infections, sepsis, and induced secondary inflammation from any cause. Because sepsis is associated with overwhelming stimulation of the innate immune response with tissue damage, we are especially interested in the interactions of the bacterial cell wall with the host and the relationship of microbial clearance to induced inflammation. Our work spans from basic to translational to clinical studies. While new projects are starting all the time, our work has recently become more focused on two thrust areas.
Warren Lab Publications Clinical Profile
Warren Lab
CNY-Building #149
149 13th Street
Charlestown, MA 02129-2000