Clinicn Investigator, Full Prf
Mass General Research Institute
Professor of Pediatrics
Harvard Medical School
Pediatrics-Pediatric Primary Care,
Massachusetts General Hospital
cotinine; counseling; ecigarettes; family tobacco control; health education; housing; parents; smoking; smoking cessation; smoking regulations; thirdhand smoke; tobacco smoke pollution; tobacco treatment; vaping
Dr. Jonathan Winickoff conducts empirical research on family tobacco control, specifically within the child healthcare setting on the CEASE (Clinical and Community Effort Against Secondhand Smoke Exposure) module. Dr. Winickoff and his team conceptualized and developed module to guide pediatricians in systematically changing their office systems to deliver the tobacco dependence treatment for parents of their patients. The module is currently undergoing research in a randomized control trial in pediatric practices in the United States. For more information on the module, visit or