John Giardina, PhD

Associate Investigator
Medical Practice Evaluation Center, Mass General Research Institute
PhD Harvard University 2023
MA University of Connecticut 2016
biostatistics; causal inference; cost-effectiveness analysis; decision science; health policy; machine learning; simulation modeling Dr. Giardina is an associate investigator at the Medical Practice Evaluation Center. His research interests broadly encompass improving health decision analysis through the rigorous application of statistical methods. His research has included the development of methods to (1) improve the reliability and accuracy of health decision analysis by using individual-level patient data to parameterize and validate simulation models; and (2) account for patient heterogeneity in health decision analysis, including estimating the value of using machine learning-based algorithms to guide health decisions. He has also conducted model-based analyses of COVID-19 mitigation measures in schools, and has studied the use of shared decision-making for orthopedic surgery. Dr. Giardina received a PhD in health policy and decision science from Harvard University in 2023 and an MA in economics from the University of Connecticut in 2016.