Gregory Waryasz, M.D., CSCS

Clinicn Investigator, Instruct
Orthopaedic Surgery, Mass General Research Institute
Assistant Professor of Orthopedic Surgery
Harvard Medical School
Assistant In Orthopaedic Surgery
Orthopedic Surgery-Foot & Ankle Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital
MD Tufts University School of Medicine 2010
ankle; orthopaedic trauma; sports injuries; sports medicine

Dr. Waryasz is an active researcher in both orthopaedic surgery and strength and conditioning. He has extensively published in foot and ankle surgery, orthopaedic trauma and sports medicine. He is actively involved in all types of research including basic science and clinical.

His most recent international project is both a retrospective and prospective analysis of CrossFit® injuries in Costa Rica. He also is actively researching injuries in the National Football League. He enjoys performing research to help innovate patient care and improve the patient care experience. He is active in product design and surgical innovations.