Rachel Buckley, Ph.D.

Investigator, Assoc Prof (M)
Neurology, Mass General Research Institute
Associate Professor of Neurology
Harvard Medical School
PhD University of Melbourne - Australia 2015
cognition; magnetic resonance imaging; positron emission tomography; preclinical markers of alzheimer's disease; sex differences I am a cognitive neuroscientist whose research interests focus on harmonizing multiple cohorts to understand risk and resilience in preclinical Alzheimer's disease, as well as sex differences in preclinical Alzheimer's Disease. I am a K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award recipient, as well as an Alzheimer's Association Research Fellow. I am Vice-Chair of the Sex and Gender in Alzheimer's Disease Professional Interest Area (PIA) for the Alzheimer's Association, a Special Editor for the Alzheimer's & Dementia DADM subjournal, and a Editorial Board member for Neurology.
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