Dorothy A Jones, EdD, RN, FAAN, FNI

MUNN Nurse Researcher
Yvonne L. Munn Center for Nursing Research, Massachusetts General Hospital
Director Emeritus
Yvonne L. Munn Center for Nursing Research, Massachusetts General Hospital
B.S.N. Long Island University
clinical quality improvement; education nursing; faculty nursing; nursing Dorothy A. Jones EdD, RN, FAAN, FNI is the first Director and Senior Nurse Scientist of the Munn Center and Professor of Nursing at Boston College, William F. Connell School of Nursing. Dr. Jones brings to her work a vision of the potential research and inquiry have on expanding nursing’s visibility as a significant contributor to patient care through research. Dr. Jones is the author of multiple books, and over 135 international publications. She is the recipient of many awards and honors, and has received external funding through external groups including NIH-NINR. Jones has worked closely with Jeannette Ives Erickson and Marianne Ditomassi of the MGH to develop the infrastructure essential to the advancement of patient care though nursing research. Dr. Jones has a history of organizational leadership serving as president of NANDA International, and the Eastern Nursing Research Society. She has served in academic leadership roles and holds a visiting professorship at the University of Navarra and the Clinica Universitas in Pamplona, Spain. She actively participates in the conduct of multisite research in areas including workforce evaluation, symptom management, transitional care, theory development and research within Newman’s framework of Health as Expanding Consciousness. Dr. Jones has facilitated the development of multiple instruments grounded in qualitative methodology and works with students, staff and scholars on research initiatives to advance nursing science and improve patient care.
The Yvonne L. Munn Center for Nursing Research Publications

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