Wilhelm Haas, Ph.D.

Investigator, Asst Prof (M)
KFCCR Faculty, Mass General Research Institute
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
bacteriolysis; mass spectrometry; peptide mapping; proteome; proteomics; tandem mass spectrometry

The Haas laboratory uses quantitative mass spectrometry-based proteomics to characterize cancer cells and their vulnerabilities in a comprehensive proteome-wide manner. This is fueled by recent discoveries that have enhanced the depth and throughput of proteomics in quantifying proteins and their post-translational modification.

These improvements have put us at a pivotal point in the field of mass spectrometry, where, for the first time, we are able to handle the analysis of the large number of samples that have to be examined to generate the basis for understanding a disease that displays the heterogeneity found in cancer. We are specifically interested in mapping changes in the global landscape of protein-protein interactions - the interactome - that occur in cancer cells, and we have shown that dysregulations in the interactome are enabling the prediction of cancer vulnerabilities. We believe that our proteomics technologies have the potential to become a powerful tool in basic and clinical cancer research and may be used to diagnose cancer, predict its susceptibility, and monitor its progression.

Haas Lab Publications

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149 13th Street
Charlestown, MA 02129