Jon Warner, M.D.

Clinicn Investigator, Full Prf
Orthopaedic Surgery, Mass General Research Institute
Professor of Orthopedic Surgery
Harvard Medical School
Visiting Orthopaedic Surgeon
Orthopedic Surgery-Shoulder, Massachusetts General Hospital
MD University of Rochester School of Medicine 1982
arthroplasty replacement; arthroscopy; joint instability; orthopedics; rotator cuff; rotator cuff disease; scapula; scapulothoracic fusion; shoulder arthroplasty; shoulder joint Shoulder Biomechanics: The primary focus of our research is to better understand and describe the motion of the shoulder joint in living individuals. Using a specialized non-invasive three-dimensional (3D) fluoroscopic imaging technique, we can visualize the shoulder joint in an accurate computer model. These models give insight into normal and abnormal shoulder mechanics. For example, we can assess the effects that treatments have on shoulder motion; such as total shoulder replacement, instability surgery, and rotator cuff repair. My goal in maintaining a rigorous research program is to advance and improve shoulder treatments for my patients through an objective scientific method.

Outcomes Research: We have an ongoing prospective initiative to provide quality metrics for every shoulder procedure we perform. These metrics will help patients have realistic expectations of their surgery while providing a comparison to other individuals who underwent the same procedure.
Publications Clinical Profile

Yawkey Center Outpatient Care
32 Fruit Street
Boston, MA 02114