Shawn Demehri, M.D., Ph.D.

Clinician Investigator, Associate Professor
Cutaneous Biology Research Center, Mass General Research Institute
Associate Professor of Dermatology
Harvard Medical School
Assistant In Dermatology
Massachusetts General Hospital
Associate Member
Broad Institute
Bob and Rita Davis Family MGH Research Scholar 2023-2028
Mass General Research Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital
M.D.; Ph.D. Washington University 2010
alarmins; breast cancer; cancer immunology; cancer immunoprevention; cd4+ t cells; commensal viruses; damps; nk cells; skin cancer The focus of the Demehri laboratory is to determine the role of the immune system in regulating the early stages of cancer development in order to harness its anti-tumor potential for cancer therapy. To date, several cancer immunotherapies have been developed with proven efficacy against late-stage cancers; however, the role of the immune system in preventing the early development of cancer remains uncertain. The research in our laboratory is focused on identifying the immune mechanisms that drive an immune activation sufficient to prevent cancer formation from pre-cancerous lesions. This approach raises a great opportunity to discover novel immune pathways that can be leveraged in cancer therapy and prevention.

Research lab website Publications Clinical Profile
Center for Cancer Immunology (CCI) and Cutaneous Biology Research Center (CBRC)
CNY-Building #149
149 13th Street
Charlestown, MA 02129