Caroline Magnain, Ph.D.

Investigator, Asst Prof (M)
Radiology, Mass General Research Institute
Assistant Professor of Radiology
Harvard Medical School
blood; color; colorimetry; ellipsometry; goniospectrophotometry; holographic laser doppler imaging; laser doppler holography; models theoretical; optical coherence tomography; pigmentation; skin; skin color modelling; skin pigmentation I am working on 3D high resolution human brain imaging using Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). Part of my study is to identify anatomical brain regions (Brodmann areas) by examining optical property changes in the cortical layers. The tissue samples are then registered to high resolution MRI imaging data to look for potential MR markers of the boundaries identified in OCT. The boundaries observed using OCT are validated with histology/immunochemistry. Additionally, I am investigating the use of OCT to perform high resolution tractography, which can be compared to ex vivo MRI diffusion data.
Research lab website Publications
Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
CNY-Building #149
149 13th Street
Charlestown, MA 02129-2000